Wednesday, January 19

BULLDOG spirit!!

We here, in Byron Center, love our BULLDOGS! Growing up, I was an Ada Christian RAIDER (which Joel explained to me is not very politically correct and probably why they are now called the Ada Wildcats) then for a few short years I was a Grand Rapids Christian High EAGLE. I can't say that I exhibited or felt much passion for either the RAIDERS or EAGLES. No reason, just didn't. I probably didn't hang out with people (or parents) who cared all that much. I digress...

Now, for whatever reason (I'm married to a man who "bleeds" black/orange), I'm feeling a bit more passionate and actually have begun to have fun with this school "spirit" stuff. Also, I'm sure it's more fun to me now since I get to witness Emma enjoy the all the "rah-rah-hoopla" associated with the football games, local parades, etc. where she sees her friends from school/church also taking part in school spirit.

Fun, we're all about having seen in the photos below. Emma is just about ready to venture to school for "spirit" day. What you can't see are her fingernails painted orange, which she was so proud of.

Lots of orange and black!

(naval shot, not intended...just her fun spirit)
Please disregard Sam's head between Emma's legs. He
could not tolerate Emma receiving "all" the attention of having
her photo taken so he proceeded to scream and yell and climb up
onto the chair. That's my boy...

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